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play werdle today. gives you a wordle style game but with unlimited practice mode.

The whole idea behind werdle is to allow people to play multiple times per day rather than having to wait until the next day. You can still however play the daily challenge still so you get the best of bothe worlds and you can share your results with your friends and family. Love words? Get your werdle on. Werdle is the way forward for those looking to improve their linguistic skills If you want to switch to the unlimited practice mode you can use th toggle above the guess box and beneath the werdle title. But switch back to daily challenge or refresh the screen at any point and your game will be where you left it, whether you guessed today's werdle challenge or not...yet.

Werdle word game

Word game

5 letter word game

wordle-style game
unlimited or daily challenge
You get 5 attempts to guess a 5-letter word correctly.

If you guess a letter in the correct position, it will show as green.

If you guess a letter but in an incorrect position, it will show as blue.

Daily challenge mode gives all players the same new word each day.

Practice mode gives you unlimited plays with a randomly selected answer each time.

Key Difference: You can guess made up words - any letters in any order!

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Practice Mode
Daily Challenge

Start by typing your 1st guess
Incorrect letters will show here